11 Home Remedies Dry Hair

Hair makes a lots of difference. Howsoever grooming you do, if your hair is dry, rough and thin with split ends that are seriously prone to ...

Hair makes a lots of difference. Howsoever grooming you do, if your hair is dry, rough and thin with split ends that are seriously prone to tangles, you do not look and feel well. You always have this worry on your mind as to how your hair is looking, have they messed up, should you comb them again, are they looking dull and so on! While lack of oil and moisture in your hair make them dry and they eventually lose all their shine and soft texture, you may also suffer from chronic hair loss if you neglect your dry hair problem. You may have to take various steps to stop your hair from getting drier such as avoiding over exposure to sun, hair dryers, dry environment, harsh shampoos and conditioners, too much brushing and use of too many chemicals laden hair products. You may also have to take proper nutrition through diet. After all, hair too is made up of a type of protein and it needs its share of nutrition as well as care. These are steps that will prevent your hair from drying. If you already have rough dry hair, you may like to use some really effective home remedies for dry hair to bring back the lost shine and life to your dull hair!

Home Remedies for Dry Hair

1. Hot Oil Massage for Dry Hair

This is an age-old remedy to prevent as well as treat dry hair. When you massage your hair with oil, you improve your scalp’s blood circulation. This stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum which in turn provides natural protective layer to your precious hair. While oil is good enough for massaging, making it a little hot ensures that the oil deeply penetrates to reach the roots of your hair. Oil massage also provides nourishment to your hair and scalp by transferring all the vital nutrients in the oil to your hair and scalp. Hot oil massage is a great way to lubricate your dry hair and preventing damages done due to all roughness. It is a good idea to make a weekly regimen of massaging your hair with hot oil but initially you may need to do this twice or thrice a week to deal with your extra dry and rough hair.

How to do Hot Oil Massage the Right Way?

Get this
  • Any oil (Coconut, Almond, and Olive oil are good for hair)
Do this:
  • Depending upon the length of your hair, take out required amount of oil into a bowl.
  • Heat this oil a little. You just need warm oil and not piping hot oil.
  • Now take a little warm oil on your palm and rub it with the other palm.
  • Apply this oil to your scalp.
  • Take some more and apply to other areas of your scalp.
  • Now gently massage with your fingertips working the warm oil deep into your hair root.
  • Don’t be too harsh while massaging, this may break more hair than do good.
  • When you gently massage your hair and scalp with warm oil, you are providing nourishment and proper blood circulation to this area of your body.
  • After massaging for about 15 minutes, let the oil sit for at least 2 hours. You may even leave the oil overnight for even better results.
  • Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and condition them.
  • Initially repeat hot oil massage for your dry hair two-three times a week and then do it weekly.

2. Vinegar for Dry Hair

Vinegar is perhaps one of the oldest natural conditioning agents that has been used since centuries. Romans used it as early as 19th century. Both, vinegar and apple cider vinegar work on the cuticle or the outer layer of your hair. Cuticle can be understood as a closely knit, unbroken overlapping layers of long scales that cover the whole surface of your hair and give it smooth shining appearance. When you shampoo your hair, this cuticle opens up. If you don’t take steps to restore cuticle then your hair will look dry and rough after washing. Your hair can also become dull and dry because there is a buildup and residue that get stuck in your hair shaft lying close to cuticle, thanks to your shampoo, conditioner and other hair styling products. Vinegar not only restores your hair’s protective cuticle layer but also cleans the buildup and residue present in your hair shafts. Benefits of vinegar doesn’t stop here. As vinegar restores natural pH levels, you also get rid of an itchy scalp. So, it makes sense to use a vinegar rinse after washing your hair.

How to Use Vinegar Rinse for Dry Hair

Get this:
  • White vinegar OR Apple Cider Vinegar- 1 cup
  • Water- 3-4 cups
Do this:
  • Mix the vinegar and water to get your hair rinse solution.
  • After washing your hair with shampoo (and conditioner, if you use that too), apply the vinegar rinse.
  • Massage gently into the hair and your scalp. Let your hair ends too get liberal amount of the vinegar rinse.
  • Let the vinegar rinse sit there for a few minutes.
  • Now rinse with water and dry your hair gently with towel.
Precaution: While vinegar is good for dry hair, too much usage of vinegar on hair may actually make your hair drier than earlier. Initially when your hair is too dry, you may use vinegar rinse about 1-2 times a week but after a couple of weeks, reduce the frequency. It is better to use vinegar rinse for your dry hair only once in 1-2 weeks. Also when using vinegar rinse, take care to protect your eyes. It can lead to discomfort, burning or irritation if vinegar enters your eyes.

3. Avocado for Dry Hair

Avocado has come to be known as a superfood due to all the beneficial nutrients it contains including Vitamins A, D, E, and K as well as protein, iron, copper, magnesium, amino acids, and potassium. What more nutrients can your dull dry hair demand! Yes, Avocados also have biotin or the Vitamin H in it, a vitamin which makes your hair stronger. This vitamin H or the common biotin is one of the B complex vitamins that metabolize fats and proteins and are required for healthy hair, skin, nails, eyes and liver. If you read the labels of certain nail and hair cosmetics, you may find biotin on the ingredients list. So why not make a powerful hair mask for your dry hair using avocados!

How to Make Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Hair?

Get this:
  • Avocado (ripe and peeled)- 1
  • Egg white- from 1 egg
  • Oil (olive/ coconut/ jojoba/ castor/ any other)- 1 tbsp
  • Yogurt (optional)- 1 tbsp
Do this:
  • Mash the ripe avocado to get its paste.
  • Add egg white, oil and yogurt if using.
  • Mix them well to get a smooth paste.
  • Apply this mask to your hair covering it well.
  • Leave for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse well with water. You may even use lukewarm (not hot) water to wash off the mask.
To make it more simple, you may just mash avocado with a whole egg and apply this to your hair!

4. Banana for Dry Hair

Banana too has many nutrients including vitamins A, B, C and E along with minerals like potassium, zinc, iron and manganese, not to forget biotin which also makes avocado good for dry and weak hair. The richness of potassium, carbohydrates and vitamins of banana make it a great remedy for making your hair soft and also for protecting its natural elasticity. If you face the problems of hair breakage, dandruff and split ends along with dry hair, banana is just the right remedy for you.

How to Make Banana Hair Pack for Dry Hair?

Get this:
  • Banana (ripe)- 1
  • Avocado (ripe)- ½
  • Coconut milk- 2-3 tbsp (or enough to make a smooth paste)
Increase or decrease the quantities depending upon the length of your hair.
Do this:
  • Mash the banana and avocado.
  • Add coconut milk with mashed banana and avocado.
  • Mix well to get a smooth paste.
  • Apply to your dry hair all over.
  • Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.

5. Eggs for Dry Damaged Hair

The best food for hair is protein because it is made up of protein only. What else than egg can be the best source of high class protein for your dry and damaged hair. Egg yolk is rich in fat and protein and is highly moisturizing that adds lots of moisture to your dehydrated hair. Egg white on the other hand, is loaded with beneficial enzymes that cleanses your hair and scalp to give you a shining bouncy hair. You may simply beat 1-2 eggs and apply to your hair or make a more moisturizing hair mask with eggs as one of the main ingredients. Here’s the recipe.

How to Make Egg Mask for Dry Hair?

Get this:
  • Eggs- 1-2 (depending upon the length of your hair)
  • Lemon juice- 1-2 tbsp
  • Olive or almond oil- 2 tsp
Do this:
  • Beat the eggs well.
  • Add lemon juice and the oil into the beaten eggs. Lemon juice will take away all the foul smell and oil will make the mask even more hydrating.
  • Mix well to make a smooth mask and apply to your hair and scalp.
  • Massage your scalp gently so that all the nutritional goodness penetrates deep into your scalp.
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off with a gentle shampoo.
  • Repeat once every 2-4 weeks.

6. Yogurt for Dry Hair

While it is always good to include plain yogurt in your diet due to its innumerable health benefits, you can even think of applying the same to your dry frizzy hair to give them deep conditioning. If you have ever heard of protein treatments for hair, beauty salons use yogurt and eggs etc. to give these highly expensive protein treatment to your dry hair. You can do so at home, without spending a lots of money! Just use sour yogurt rich in lactic acid and fats. Lactic acid in yogurt will cleanse your hair and scalp while the fat in it will moisturize it, not to forget the protein that makes your hair rejuvenate.

How to Use Yogurt for Dry Hair?

Get this:
  • Yogurt (plain)- 2-4 tbsp or more depending upon the length of your hair
Do this:
  • Take some yogurt and apply to your hair and scalp.
  • After applying yogurt all over your hair, gently massage into the scalp.
  • Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Wash off with gentle shampoo.
  • For even more hydrating hair mask, you may beat in 1 egg with the yogurt and then apply the same to your hair.
  • Do this once a week initially and then repeat once every 2-3 weeks.

7. Fenugreek for Dry Hair

Here is one very good herbal remedy for dry hair- the inexpensive but superb fenugreek seeds. Although used as flavoring agent in Asian cooking, fenugreek has also been used by Ayurveda for treating various diseases due to its beneficial medicinal components. Your dull dry hair can also get rejuvenated by fenugreek seeds that are rich in nicotinic acid, protein, niacin, potassium, Vitamin C, amino acids and diosgenin having properties similar to oestrogen. Then there is lecithin in fenugreek seeds which is a natural emollient and hydrates your hair excellently making them healthy and strong at the same time. If you also suffer from dandruff, which is more or less natural due to dry hair, use this remedy.

How to Use Fenugreek Seeds for Dry Hair?

Get this:
  • Fenugreek seeds- 2-4 tbsp (as per hair length)
  • Yogurt- 1-2 tbsp (half the quantity of fenugreek seeds)
Do this:
  • Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
  • In the morning, grind the soaked fenugreek seeds to get its paste.
  • Mix yogurt with the fenugreek seeds paste to get a smooth hair mask.
  • Apply this to your hair.
  • Leave for about half an hour.
  • Wash hair with mild shampoo.
  • Repeat once a week initially and repeat once every 3-4 weeks.

8. Burdock-Rosemary Oil for Dry Hair

If you suffer from extreme dry hair along with hair fall, this remedy is for you. Burdock herb is a rich source of fatty acids. When you apply this to your scalp, it stimulates blood circulation as well as nourishes your hair follicles to condition them naturally and make them strong from within. Silica and phytosterols present in burdock soothes your itching scalp treating dandruff as well. When you use burdock on your hair, you restrict hair breakage adding shine and body to your hair. The mucilage of burdock root makes it easy for your hair to detangle. Rosemary, on the other hand, promotes hair growth, conditions hair and scalp as well as makes your hair more manageable. Why not then make this burdock root and rosemary infused hair oil for your dry falling hair!

How to Make Burdock- Rosemary Hair Oil for Dry Hair?

Get this:
  • Dried burdock root- 10 g (about 1 tbsp or 2 tsp)
  • Fresh rosemary leaves- 10 g
  • Olive oil- 60 g (about ½ cup)
  • Coconut oil- 90 g (about ¾ cup)
  • Rosemary essential oil (optional)- 10-15 drops
  • Sage essential oil (optional)- 10-15 drops
  • Lavender essential oil (optional)- 10-15 drops
Do this:
  • Mix burdock root and rosemary leaves.
  • Crush them using a mortar and pestle.
  • Now mix the two oils in a pan.
  • Add crushed herbs to the oil mix.
  • Heat the herbs mixed oils. Keep the flame at low simmer option.
  • Simmer the oil mix for about 8 hours. This will ensure, no moisture is left from the herbs used.
  • Strain the oil to discard any herbs residue.
  • Store the oil in a bottle.
  • Add essential oils if using. These oils not only make your hair oil pleasant smelling but also provide nourishment to your hair.
  • You may now massage your hair and scalp with this homemade burdock root and rosemary oil. Initially you may do this 2-3 times a week and then weekly hair massage is all that you will need to do.

9. Comfrey Hair Rinse for Dry Hair

A hair rinse is easy to do and they can excellently condition your hair and scalp with natural sheen provided you use just the right ingredients for your dry hair. Comfrey is one herb which is good for your dry hair. It soothes your scalp and stimulates it to bring life to your dull dry hair. As comfrey also grows very fast, you can grow your plant and harvest it many a times in its season to store for the whole year. Or just buy it from a herbal store to save all efforts.

How to Make Comfrey Hair Rinse for Dry Hair?

Get this:
  • Comfrey herb (dried)- 3-4 tbsp
  • Boiling water- 2-3 cups
Do this:
  • Pour the boiling water over comfrey herb.
  • Let this infuse overnight or at least for eight hours.
  • Strain the herbs in the morning or after eight hours.
  • After you wash your hair with shampoo, slowly pour the comfrey hair rinse over your head. Keep a bowl or basin underneath to collect the herbal rinse.
  • Ensure all your hair and scalp get the hair rinse.
  • Massage gently to let the rinse penetrate your scalp.
  • Again pour the once used and collected herbal rinse over your head.
  • Massage gently.
  • You may repeat this for 2-3 times.
  • Now wash off with clean water.
  • You may use this comfrey hair rinse after each of your hair wash.

10. Sage Hair Rinse for Dry Hair

Here’s one more herbal rinse for your dry hair, this time made with sage herb. It is not only good for dry hair but also for thinning hair as well as graying hair. A rich source of magnesium, zinc, potassium, vitamins B and C, sage has excellent antioxidant, astringent, and antibacterial properties which makes it one of the finest herbs for soothing scalp dryness.

How to Make Sage Hair Rinse for Dry Hair?

Get this:
  • Sage leaves (dried)- 1-2 tbsp
  • Boiling water- 1-2 cups
Do this:
  • Pour boiling water over sage herb.
  • Let it steep till it cools down.
  • Strain to discard the herb’s residue.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • After rinsing with water, pour the sage hair rinse over your head.
  • Ensure all of your hair and scalp gets the rinse.
  • Gently massage with your hands for a couple of minutes.
  • You may or may not use clean water after using this sage herbal rinse.

11. Lavender Essential Oil for Dry Hair

There are many essential oils that are considered a boon for dry hair due to their emollient properties. One of these is the lavender essential oil extracted mostly from the flowers of lavender plant. Lavender oil moisturizes your dry scalp excellently apart from cleansing and toning pores there. It is a balancing oil meaning it regularizes over or under active oil glands thus giving you just the right amount of hydration. Not only this, the anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti fungal and anti-septic properties of lavender oil also help you with hair loss and dandruff.

Ways to Use Lavender Oil for Dry Hair

  • Add 2-3 drops of lavender oil with your regular hair massage oil and use it daily.
  • Heat some olive oil to make it warm. Add 2-3 drops of lavender oil to this and give a hot oil massage to your hair and scalp. You may do this weekly.
  • You may also mix a number of essential oils good for dry hair like lavender oil, sage oil, chamomile oil, rosemary oil. Take 1-2 drops each of these oils and mix them together. After washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner, apply this oil mix to your hair and scalp and gently massage for a few minutes.

12. Aloe Vera for Dry Hair

Aloe vera is a very beneficial herb for overall health including hair and scalp. It makes your hair extremely manageable. The sticky aloe vera gel provides good conditioning and moisturizing to give you smooth and silky hair. You can either use aloe vera for deeply conditioning your dry hair or make a nourishing hair mask with aloe vera.

1st Way to Use Aloe Vera for Dry Hair: Aloe Vera Conditioner

Get this:
  • Aloe vera gel- ½ cup
  • Hibiscus flowers- 2 tsp
  • Olive oil- 1-2 tsp
Do this:
  • Grind the hibiscus flowers to make paste.
  • Mix the hibiscus paste with aloe vera gel.
  • Add the olive oil and mix well.
  • After washing your hair with shampoo, apply this homemade aloe vera conditioner to your hair.
  • Massage gently and leave for few minutes.
  • Wash off with water.

2nd Way to Use Aloe Vera for Dry Hair: Aloe Vera Hair Mask

Get this:
  • Aloe vera leaf to get ½ cup of aloe vera gel
  • Castor oil- 2 tsp
  • Fenugreek powder- 2 tsp
  • Basil powder- 2 tsp
Do this:
  • Extract fresh aloe vera gel from the aloe leaf. You should have ½ cup of this gel.
  • Mix Castor oil, fenugreek and basil powder with the aloe vera gel and mix well.
  • Apply this hair mask to your hair and scalp.
  • It is better to leave this mask on hair for longer, say 7-8 hours. You may apply it at night and go to sleep wearing a shower cap. If that doesn’t suit you, do it during day time and try to keep it on hair as long as you can with a minimum of 3 hours.
  • Use mild shampoo to wash off the mask from your hair.
  • Repeat once a week initially and then 1-2 times a month.
These were some of the excellent home remedies for dry hair. Pick the one which suits you and get rid of your dull dry hair soon!



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Best Health Tips: 11 Home Remedies Dry Hair
11 Home Remedies Dry Hair
Best Health Tips
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